Microsoft AZ-900&AI-900 Exam experience sharing

Real Feedback from a Winner!

AI-900 On May 23, 2022, use Lead4Pass real Exam practice for two hours, pass with a low score of 750 (full score of 1000, 700 is passed)

AZ-900 May 15, 2022, Failed the first exam May 23, 2022, Use Lead4Pass real test practice for five hours, pass with a low score of 790

This experience post is suitable for a quick examination and not suitable for technical learning. If you want to learn basic knowledge, you can withdraw it first~

If you have a certificate exam plan, as well as the number of Exam certificates and deadline requirements, you can learn from it, but the method may not be applicable to everyone~

Next, start from the following four aspects:

  1. How to register
  2. Enrollment Exam/Cancellation (Nanny Level)
  3. Prepare for exams and review sprints
  4. Take the Exam
continue reading

How to register

Step one:

Register outlook mailbox

The registered email address is the account for receiving emails for Microsoft certification exams

(Registration is also available at [step two])

register account- outlook

Step two:

It is recommended to use edge search

Microsoft. dashboard

Microsoft. dashboard
Microsoft account
sign in
Click create one to register an Outlook account or enter the account just registered [one by one step one by one] and click next to log in

Step three:

The Windows system comes with Outlook, enter the account password in the software to log in to the mailbox to send and receive emails

Sign up for the exam (Take AZ-900 as an example)

Go to the following website to search for the name of the certification you want to test and sign up with the account you just registered~

Search AZ-900:

search az-900

Enter Exam AZ-900 and see the scheduled exam:

As shown in the picture, there are two registration methods. Since I am an active employee, I will introduce the Pearson VUE registration method here.

Click Schedule with Pearson VUE:

Jump to the Dashboard and fill in the basic information correctly

Slide down, check all, and click continue:

After clicking continue, jump to the next page

Fill in and connect the company account, you can register for free, but the premise is to confirm whether the company provides a charge code for free exams

As shown in the picture, I have already connected, so the 100% claim is directly displayed. If you are registering for the first time, you need to fill in the company email address below first, check the Eligibility
(Note: It may take a little time here, it will not be successful once, you can try several times)

After all, confirmations are correct, click Schedule exam

Choose an exam method:

at the test center; online;

Examination at the test center needs to pay attention to the local epidemic prevention policy and the registration time period

What you need to pay attention to in the online exam is the speed of the Internet. If the speed of the Internet is not OK, you will often face disconnection, or you have been queuing to enter the exam but you can’t start.

Both examination methods require an ID card/passport, and more specific requirements will be described in detail next.

The third one has not been used, so it will not be introduced, click the second button to enter the next interface

First, describe the online exam (because I am an online exam)

A computer is required, a private and noise-free room with fast internet speed, an ID card/passport, and an appointment for the exam

Pay attention to the system test, and click the link to enter

It is critical that you do several system tests before the exam begins

Click download to download the exam test program to this machine:
After the download is complete, copy the Access code to the corresponding dialog box for system testing

This test includes whether the internet speed meets the exam requirements

Whether the computer radio, microphone, and camera can be used normally

Go back to the previous interface, click testing space

Click on the testing space for the relevant requirements of the test environment

Select the language of the test questions:

Choose according to personal circumstances
(Please also choose according to the question bank you have memorized. For example, if it is an English question bank, please choose English, otherwise, there will be serious discrepancies in the questions)

Skip this step: Because I have already passed the AZ-900 exam, the next step will prompt that repeated registration does not meet the requirements. If you are not, skip the next two steps:

Skip this step: If you are not applying for the exam for the first time, and there are similar situations, you can go back a few pages and choose Change Exam here:

After selecting the exam language, agree to the exam and Microsoft’s policies:

Note: You need to check in 30 minutes before the test, slide to the bottom are the test environment requirements and the documents that need to be prepared

The English test may encounter the situation that the Indian invigilator asks you to spell your ID number
Do not put anything on the test table except the computer and the mouse. The proctor will ask you to move the computer through the camera before starting the test and check the four directions of the table.

Cell phones must be kept out of reach before the test starts and after check-in
The photo shows the ID card and environmental preparation

※When checking in, in the process of taking pictures to verify the environment, you need to take pictures of the front, back, left, and right sides of the seat and upload them to the designated website.

The check-in email will be sent to the registered email address before the exam starts, please pay attention to checking it

Choose the language of communication during the test, that is, whether the invigilator is Indian or Japanese:

English is proctored by Indians, prepare for listening, click next

Confirm time zone:
According to personal circumstances, the time here is consistent with the time zone of the exam registration time later

confirm your time zone

Select the test time: the morning time is from 2:45-11:45, and the afternoon time is from 12:00-22:45

The following time display is according to personal habits, it is the test time display system

Depending on the exam, the selection time may vary with the exam date
It is recommended to take the peak-staggered exam, which will affect the speed of the Internet
9-10 pm on weekdays is the peak time, and the peak time is 24/7 on weekends

After selecting the time, jump to the confirmation interface

Finally, confirm the payment stage. If the company pays here, there is no need to pay. If it is an individual payment, you need to pay USD115

OK~ This is the end of the exam registration~ You will receive an email of successful exam registration in your registered mailbox

Cancel the exam

You can cancel the test for free 24 hours before the start of the test, and you can operate it by email. It is not cumbersome, so I will not explain it in detail

Exam preparation, review sprint

As I said above, using the Lead4Pass real papers to practice before the exam can guarantee you 100% success in passing the exam

Take the Exam

There are many difficulties when taking the exam. If you have time, continue to share. The most important thing is the psychological quality. The most important thing is that if you prepare well in the early stage, it will be much easier later!


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