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Latest Microsoft AZ-104 exam guide, materials, experience sharing

This article comes from an anonymous friend who successfully obtained Microsoft Azure Administrator (az-104) certification! At my request, he shared his secret to success! Contains a Microsoft AZ-104 exam guide, materials, and valuable experience! I will not introduce the value of Azure certification and the registration process here.

Show his certificate first:

Microsoft Azure Administrator az-104 Certificate

Earlier, the Azure certifications were valid for 2 years from the date of the certification cleared. According to Microsoft’s recent update in policy, from June 30, 2021 (5 PM PT on June 29, 2021), all the Azure certifications (role-based and specialty ) are valid for one year.

You must pass new test questions before expiration to renew the certification. (Azure officials probably consider that the functions of their own cloud platform are constantly iteratively updated, hoping to keep you in a state of learning) For related test questions, you can see what I shared before!

AZ-104 Exam Format:

Azure supports both online exams and exam center exams

I chose the online exam! You can take the exam at home or in the office, which is very convenient. 15 minutes before the exam appointment time. Before the exam, the online invigilator will ask you to use a camera to take pictures of your exam environment (since I am in the company’s

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Leads4Pass AZ-104 dumps with PDF and VCE are the best practice solution for the exam

az-104 exam

leads4pass AZ-104 dumps are verified and audited by a Microsoft professional team, and they really meet the requirements of the AZ-104 certification exam, covering more than 95% of the exam questions in the exam room!

And, offer the most popular study methods: AZ-104 dumps PDF, and AZ-104 dumps VCE, both study formats contain the latest certification exam questions and answers!

Therefore, the best exam solution is to use AZ-104 dumps with PDF and VCE formats: https://www.leads4pass.com/az-104.html (674 Q&A), to help you practice easily and achieve exam success.

What’s more! Part of the leads4pass AZ-104 dumps exam questions online for free download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KLpWW7CdNp5IyM6zXRHIf0c1URlRSF3q/

You can also practice some of the leads4pass AZ-104 dumps exam questions online

TypeNumber of exam questionsExam nameExam codeLast updatedFree15Microsoft Azure AdministratorAZ-104az-104 dumps

Question 1:


You are evaluating the connectivity between the virtual machines after the planned implementation of the Azure networking infrastructure. For each of the following statements, select Yes if the statement is true. Otherwise, select No.

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