Category: AZ-104 exam guide
This article comes from an anonymous friend who successfully obtained Microsoft Azure Administrator (az-104) certification! At my request, he shared his secret to success! Contains a Microsoft AZ-104 exam guide, materials, and valuable experience! I will not introduce the value of Azure certification and the registration process here.
Show his certificate first:
Earlier, the Azure certifications were valid for 2 years from the date of the certification cleared. According to Microsoft’s recent update in policy, from June 30, 2021 (5 PM PT on June 29, 2021), all the Azure certifications (role-based and specialty ) are valid forĀ one year.
You must pass new test questions before expiration to renew the certification. (Azure officials probably consider that the functions of their own cloud platform are constantly iteratively updated, hoping to keep you in a state of learning) For related test questions, you can see what I shared before!